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James Lewis
James Lewis

Episode 01: The Blood Is The Life

Set almost exclusively in Victorian England, the episode opens with Van Helsing (Thomas Kretschmann) awakening Dracula from a centuries-long sleep by slitting the throat and feeding him the blood of an avaricious but apparently otherwise innocent man.

Episode 01: The Blood is the Life

The fourth episode focuses on the most modern reptiles, the snakes, exploring how they have managed to become successful despite their elongated body shape. Attenborough explains how they evolved from underground burrowers to surface hunters, losing their limbs in the process. With the aid of infrared cameras, a timber rattlesnake is shown lying in wait for a mouse and sensing its repeated path before despatching and eating it. A snake's constantly flickering tongue is used to gather and evaluate the molecules of its surroundings, and Attenborough visits Carnac Island to witness a population of blind tiger snakes, which feed on the chicks of nesting gulls. He also confronts a Mozambique spitting cobra, which quickly sprays venom over the presenter's protective face visor. The similarities in colouration between the harmless kingsnake and potentially lethal coral snake are highlighted. An example of a snake that can tackle unusual prey is the Queen snake, which almost exclusively hunts newly-moulted crayfish. A pair of rival male King cobras are seen battling and infant cobras are shown hatching: their venom is immediately as fatal as that of their parents. In Argentina, a yellow anaconda evades nearby caimans to give birth to live young. Finally a turtle-headed sea snake feeds not on fish, but on their eggs laid on a coral reef.

Hypoglycemia requires immediate treatment by eating or drinking sugar/carbohydrates. Severe hypoglycemia can be life-threatening and requires treatment with emergency glucagon and/or medical intervention.

Operating heavy equipment, such as driving a vehicle, while having low blood sugar can also be dangerous. You may be more likely to get in an accident. If you have diabetes, always make sure your blood sugar is in range before operating heavy equipment.

Hypoglycemia happens when your blood sugar drops below a healthy range. Several factors can contribute to this for people with diabetes. Hypoglycemia can develop if things like food, exercise and diabetes medications are out of balance.

The only way to know if you have hypoglycemia is to check your blood sugar with a blood glucose meter (glucometer). Most of these devices use a tiny blood sample from a finger prick with a lancet (small needle).

For reactive hypoglycemia, your provider might recommend a test called a mixed-meal tolerance test (MMTT). For the MMTT, you first have a special drink containing protein, fats and sugar. The drink raises your blood glucose, causing your body to make more insulin. Then a provider will check your blood glucose multiple times over the next five hours.

Severe hypoglycemia episodes require the use of emergency glucagon. This is a synthetic form of glucagon that you can administer as an injection or nasal powder (dry nasal spray), depending on the type. Synthetic glucagon triggers your liver to release stored glucose, which then raises blood sugar.

Unfortunately, it can be difficult to totally prevent low blood sugar when you have diabetes. But you can adjust your diabetes management plan to try to lower the number of hypoglycemia episodes you experience.

If you have diabetes and are experiencing frequent low blood sugar episodes, talk to a provider who helps you manage diabetes. They can help you adjust your management plan, which may include changes to your medication regimen, meal plans or exercise routine.

Max continues to move up in the world, even as he has wrecked his romantic life. He has published a book (The Psychopathy of the Criminal Mind) and has taken stylish new lodgings where an assistant aids him with his psychiatric clients. Amelia has left him, and Clara and he have mutually agreed not to ever meet each other in the wake of Clara calling off her engagement, as he explains to Oskar after he and Oskar run into Clara at a fashion house. Their relationship never goes well. Clara refuses to reveal her business at the fashion house to Max.

Set 10 years after Dexter went missing in the eye of Hurricane Laura, the series finds him living under an assumed name in the small town of Iron Lake, New York. Dexter may be embracing his new life, but in the wake of unexpected events in this close-knit community, his Dark Passenger beckons.

With the guide of original reporting from the Milwaukee Journal and Milwaukee Sentinel, as well as former Journal reporter Anne E. Schwartz's book on the topic ("Monster: The True Story of the Jeffrey Dahmer Murders"), here's a look at the fact and fiction of each episode.

The real-life Cleveland lived in a building next door. It seems likely that the show attempted to amalgamate Cleveland and neighbor Pamela Bass into one character. It's Bass who said that Dahmer made sandwiches for others in the building, which becomes the subject of an unsettling exchange between the Dahmer and Cleveland characters later in the show.

The episode chronicles the night of July 22, 1991, when Dahmer was captured after 32-year-old Tracy Edwards escaped his apartment and flagged down police. Edwards is shown on the show fiddling with the locks and trying to escape, which actually became a point of contention in real life.

The episode pulled a real-life anecdote from Dahmer's childhood, when he became upset when the tadpoles he gifted a teacher were handed off to a friend. Even more sinister than the show portrayed, Dahmer said he angrily went to the friend's house and killed the tadpoles by pouring motor oil into their jar.

Dahmer in real life did say that he became fascinated with an area jogger and thought about attacking him with a baseball bat, though it doesn't appear he ever did, vowing that if the jogger came by again, he'd finally act (but the jogger never came back).

The Ron Flowers in the show (Dyllón Burnside) isn't that imposing, but he does get saved thanks to vigilant attention from Catherine Dahmer (Michael Learned). It's unclear if she was as hands-on in real life as she was in the show.

Just as in real life, Dahmer had offered to give Flowers a lift after Flowers' car broke down. Flowers remembered going back to the house and then waking up in a hospital, and he believed he'd been assaulted (the show doesn't include this). Police did question Dahmer afterward but found Dahmer's story to be credible.

The show ostensibly set out to tell a tale about the victims and those who unwittingly allowed Dahmer's crimes to continue, but this is the first episode that spends prolonged time with characters other than Dahmer.

The real-life Dahmer said in his confession that he never met Hughes before the night he was murdered, but a friend of Hughes' told police that Dahmer and Hughes had been friendly for more than a year, coming to her house six times from October 1989 to December 1990 looking for Hughes.

The most effective scene in the series comes toward the end of this episode, when family members are able to speak in court how Dahmer's murders have impacted them. The speeches are almost word-for-word from actual transcripts, but unfortunately, we haven't spent enough time with these people to get a sense of their stories.

In real life, police chief Philip Arreola offered 24-hour protection to the family of Konerak Sinthasompone after they received threatening phone calls in the wake of disciplinary action against the officers who returned their son to Dahmer in May.

In the show, Sandra Smith (the daughter of Glenda Cleveland) is arrested for assaulting a gawker and shattering his camera. We couldn't find record of that ever happening and it might be a show invention. The real-life Smith was present the night the police returned Konerak Sinthasomphone to Dahmer.

Low blood glucose is when your blood glucose levels have fallen low enough that you need to take action to bring them back to your target range. This is usually when your blood glucose is less than 70 mg/dL. However, talk to your diabetes care team about your own blood glucose targets, and what level is too low for you.

Each person's reaction to low blood glucose is different. Learn your own signs and symptoms of when your blood glucose is low. Taking time to write these symptoms down may help you learn your own symptoms of when your blood glucose is low. From milder, more common indicators to most severe, signs and symptoms of low blood glucose include:

The only sure way to know whether you are experiencing low blood glucose is to check your blood glucose levels, if possible. If you are experiencing symptoms and you are unable to check your blood glucose for any reason, treat the hypoglycemia.

If the blood sugar glucose continues to drop, the brain does not get enough glucose and stops functioning as it should. This can lead to blurred vision, difficulty concentrating, confused thinking, slurred speech, numbness, and drowsiness. If blood glucose stays low for too long, starving the brain of glucose, it may lead to seizures, coma, and very rarely death.

Many people tend to want to eat as much as they can until they feel better. This can cause blood glucose levels to shoot way up. Using the step-wise approach of the "15-15 Rule" can help you avoid this, preventing high blood glucose levels.

Glucagon is a hormone produced in the pancreas that stimulates your liver to release stored glucose into your bloodstream when your blood glucose levels are too low. Glucagon is used to treat someone with diabetes when their blood glucose is too low to treat using the 15-15 rule.

Exercise has many benefits. The tricky thing for people with type 1 diabetes is that it can lower blood glucose in both the short and long-term. Nearly half of children in a type 1 diabetes study who exercised an hour during the day experienced a low blood glucose reaction overnight. The intensity, duration, and timing of exercise can all affect the risk for going low. 041b061a72


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